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Unique order tracking

Learn how AdScale's unique order tracking works

Frank avatar
Written by Frank
Updated over a week ago

Ecommerce store owners who advertise their business must tweak and optimize their marketing campaigns to grow sales and improve returns.

However, if the order tracking isn't accurate, these optimizations may not be correct and can lead to a decrease in performance.

This can happen as a result of over-reporting.

This causes discrepancies between conversion analytics in Google's and Facebook's dashboards and your store orders.

Over-reporting usually occurs when users interact with ads from two sales channels before purchasing.

Because these two platforms don't communicate, each will attribute the conversion to its ads, counting the order twice when only one order was placed.

These duplications can also happen due to a pixel or event configuration issue.

So, how can AdScale help remove these duplications and show accurate tracking?

AdScale connects directly to your website and can pull data from store purchases instead of relying on third-party tracking.

Every conversion attributed to Google and Facebook is then matched to an actual order from your website using the campaign ID, conversion value, time of purchase, and more.

Every duplicated conversion is removed from the dashboard, only showing conversions matching actual store orders.

💡Note: this feature is only available by using an AdScale pixel.

AdScale needs to add conversion events to track unique orders that can only be added to a pixel created by AdScale.

Where can you see this deduplication?

  1. Ads dashboard - by switching between the All orders and Unique orders tab.

    All orders - statistics as shown on Google and Facebook.

    Unique orders - deduplicated statistics.

  2. Orders dashboard - by navigating to the orders dashboard at the top menu.

    Orders that contain a channel under the Also clicked on column were attributed to two different sales channels.

    For example, the second order was attributed by AdScale to a Performance Max campaign. However, the user also clicked on a Facebook ad within the attribution window.

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