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New traffic audiences

Learn about AdScale's new traffic audiences.

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Written by Frank
Updated over a week ago

New traffic audiences target people who have yet to interact with your website or product in the past.

They are usually quite broad and are created using lookalikes and interest groups.

These audiences are created using your store data and your Facebook pixel.


Store-data based lookalikes

Lookalike audiences created from store-data based audiences.

Lookalike - All customers

Source: Store data

Duration: Store lifetime

Description: People who have similar characteristics to customers who have purchased from your website.

Lookalike - High AOV customers

Source: Store data

Duration: Store lifetime

Description: People who have similar characteristics to customers whose average order value is in the top 30% of your customers.

Lookalike - High orders customers

Source: Store data

Duration: Store lifetime

Description: People who have similar characteristics to customers whose number of orders is in the top 30% of your customers.

Lookalike - Recent new customers

Source: Store data

Duration: 45 days

Description: People who have similar characteristics to new customers who made their first purchase.

Lookalike - Repeat customers

Source: Store data

Duration: Store lifetime

Description: People who have similar characteristics to your 'Repeat customers' segment.

Lookalike - Top customers

Source: Store data

Duration: Store lifetime

Description: People who have similar characteristics to your best customers, consisting of customers with high AOV, revenue, and number of orders.

Lookalike - VIP customers

Source: Store data

Duration: Store lifetime

Description: People who have similar characteristics to your 'VIP customers' segment.

Lookalike - High revenue customers

Source: Store data

Duration: Store lifetime

Description: People who have similar characteristics to customers whose generated revenue is in the top 30% of your customers.

Lookalike - All contacts

Source: Store data

Duration: Store lifetime

Description: People who have similar characteristics to your contacts that have an Email address.

Pixel based lookalikes

Lookalike audiences created from pixel based audiences.

Lookalike - Dynamic pixel event

Source: Pixel

Duration: 180 days

Description: A dynamic lookalike audience based on your conversion events, consisting of people who have similar characteristics to your visitors, add to carts or purchasers, depending on the amount of data collected in the pixel events.

Lookalike - Added to cart

Source: Pixel

Duration: 30/90/180 days

Description: People who have similar characteristics to those who have added a product to cart.

Lookalike - Purchasers

Source: Pixel

Duration: 60/90 days

Description: People who have similar characteristics to those who made a purchase.

Lookalike - Recent visitors

Source: Pixel

Duration: 14 days

Description: People who have similar characteristics to those who visited your website.

Lookalike - Visitors

Source: Pixel

Duration: 60/180 days

Description: People who have similar characteristics to those who visited your website.

Lookalike - Warm visitors

Source: Pixel

Duration: 60 days

Description: People who have similar characteristics to those who spent the most time on your website.

New potential customers

Source: Pixel

Duration: 90 days

Description: Target people with similar characteristics to those who recently purchased, added to cart, or visited your website.

Lookalike - Engaged with Instagram

Source: Pixel

Duration: 14/90 days

Description: People who have similar characteristics to those who interacted with your Instagram posts or ads.

Lookalike - Engaged with FB

Source: Pixel

Duration: 14/90 days

Description: People who have similar characteristics to those who interacted with your Facebook page, posts or ads.

Lookalike - FB page current followers

Source: Pixel

Description: People who have similar characteristics to those who are similar to your current Facebook page followers.

Additional audiences

New traffic audiences that aren't lookalikes, but are still highly effective at prospecting potential customers.

Prospective audience

Source: Pixel

Description: People who expressed an interest or interacted with similar products on other websites.

Broad-targeting audience

Source: Pixel

Description: Targets people based only on demographic settings (age, gender, location & languages). This approach can lead to us finding potential customers you never would've known about otherwise.


Source: Pixel

Description: People who share a specific Facebook interest or behavior, or belong to a certain demographic.

Segmented interests

Source: Pixel

Description: Target people who share specific Facebook interests or behaviors in multiple adsets, allowing you to test them against one another.

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