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Creating email campaigns

Learn how to create Email campaigns

Frank avatar
Written by Frank
Updated over a week ago

email marketing is a great way to re-engage people who have interacted with your website in the past. You can retarget existing customers, cart abandoners, people with birthdays, and more.

In this guide, we will review how to create high-engagement email campaigns.



To start, choose an email template to work on. You can either start from scratch or select one of AdScale's ready-made templates.

You can search and filter the available templates at the top right corner.

Once you choose a template, name the email campaign so you can easily find it later, and give a subject to your email.

Your email structure is built from columns.

Every new column you add will allow you to add a new component (text, image, button) to your template.

To add a new column, drag the "Column" component from the right side onto the template.


To add a component, simply drag it to the desired spot, on one of the existing columns.

To edit a component, left-click on it, and an edit menu will be available on the right side of your screen.

Let's review the available components:


While these are empty structures where you can place components, they can also be edited.

If the selected column already has a component on top of it, click on either side (the white border) of the column to edit it.

  1. You can divide your columns into multiple vertical columns, letting you add components next to each other.

  2. Change the background color and the size of a specific column.


Headings can help organize your template's structure, making your email campaign more appealing.

Left-click on the component to edit it:

  1. Editing text: Once you left-click on the component, you can change its text.

    You can also add a dynamic first and last name that changes for each recipient by using the Merge tags tool (This will only be available if your contact lists include first and last names)

  2. Using the menu on the right, you can edit the font style, color, size, and alignment.


Using text in your email can help make your email campaign more informative. You can include discount prices, coupon codes, shipping prices, and more.

Left-click on the component to edit it:

  1. Editing text: Once you left-click on the component, you can change its text.

    You can also add a dynamic first and last name that changes for each recipient by using the Merge tags tool (This will only be available if your contact lists include first and last names)

  2. Using the menu on the right, you can edit the font style, color, size, and alignment.


Adding images to your email template will help make it more appealing and professional. This can help increase your email's engagement rate.

Left-click on the component to edit it:

  1. Choose the image you want to use. This can either be done by uploading a new image, choosing one of your existing images (available in the media library), or inserting the image's URL.

  2. The image size is set to Auto width by default.

    To change the image size, toggle off the Auto width option and manually choose the image size, as shown below.

  3. You can add an Action option to your image.

    Once one of your recipients clicks on the image, they can be forwarded to your website, contact customer support, and more.

    Make sure you fill in the required fields (they will vary based on the action you choose).


Adding buttons helps your recipients interact with your email as easily as possible.

Left-click on the component to edit it:

  1. Choose the action you want to occur once a recipient clicks on the button:

    🟢 Open website.

    🟢 Send email.

    🟢 Call phone number.

    🟢 Send SMS.

    🟢 Unsubscribe.

    Make sure you fill in the required fields (they will vary based on the action you chose)

  2. Choose the font and background color of your button, as well as its size and alignment.


Adding a divider will create borders for each component, making the email more appealing and easily read.

Left-click on the component to edit it:

  1. Edit the divider's thickness, width, color, and alignment.


The HTML component will allow you to add text in an HTML format.


Using a menu component will allow you to add multiple actionable buttons next to each other. This can help make your email more user-friendly, letting your customers easily navigate to their desired place.

Left-click on the component to edit it:

  1. Add the actionable buttons you wish to use.

    Make sure you fill in the required fields (they will vary based on the action you chose)

    You can also change the menu horizontally or vertically by editing the Layout field.

  2. Using the menu on the right, you can edit the font style, color, and alignment.


Adding a social component helps your recipients easily navigate to your social pages.

Left-click on the component to edit it:

  1. Choose the social pages or accounts you wish to use.

    Ensure you add the URL to each social page and account, so your recipients navigate to the correct place.


Adding a timer component can help create an incentive for your customers to purchase, as well as make your email more eye-catching.

Left-click on the component to edit it:

  1. Choose the end time of the countdown, as well as the timezone and language.

  2. Choose the color of the background, digits, and labels.

  3. You can add an Action option to your image.

    Once one of your recipients clicks on the image, they can be forwarded to your website, contact customer support, and more.

    Make sure you fill in the required fields (they will vary based on the action you choose).


This is a must-have component for every email. Recipients must legally have the option to opt out of email marketing.

This component is automatically included in every template AdScale offers.

Left-click on the component to edit it:

  1. Using the menu on the right side, you will be able to edit two sections of text:

    Text editor - edit the text leading up to the opt-out link.

    Link editor - edit the text of the link itself.

Additional settings

Use the menu at the top of the email template builder for additional settings:

  1. Blocks - Add a column already split into multiple vertical columns. Add it by dragging the desired column onto your email template.

  2. Body - Font and color settings that affect the entire template.

  3. Images - Search for images to use in your email template from millions of options.

  4. Audit - Displays issues in your template that must be resolved to proceed (For example, button component missing a link).

Lastly, using the buttons in the top right corner, you can:

Send yourself a test email to ensure everything in your template looks good.

Save the template you just created so you can use it in the future.


Choose the recipients who are going to receive your email.

You can choose to:

  1. Send it to people from a list - Choose an existing contacts list (you can manage these lists in your Contacts dashboard), or upload a new list.

  2. Send it to people who triggered an event - Once someone triggers this event (for example, someone initiated checkout), they will automatically receive your email.

You can exclude specific customers from being included in your email list.

You can also "skip" people who have received a marketing email from you in the past few days, so your emails aren't too frequent.


Lastly, decide when you want your email to be sent.

You can choose either to:

  1. Send it once on a specific date & time

  2. Send it as soon as you finish the email campaign wizard.

  3. Send it as a recurring email, every few days.

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